
If you have downloaded a copy of the GoJS library from for use in your own app, you have probably noticed that a watermark appears in the diagram. That happens because each "go.js" or "go-debug.js" library is tied to a particular domain. In this case the "go.js" that you downloaded from will only operate without a watermark when it is running on a web page that was served from "".

When you want to deploy to your own web site your app that uses GoJS, you will need to request a custom "go.js" at:

Enter your e-mail address and the e-mail address of the person who purchased a license for GoJS, the order number for that purchase, and your web site's domain name. Our automated web server will create "go.js" and "go-debug.js" libraries that are customized not to show a watermark on pages from that domain and will e-mail you instructions for how to download them.

For example, if your app will be at:, enter "" as the domain name. This procedure works for internal corporate web sites as well as for public web sites. These customized libraries will also work automatically with "localhost" as the domain name, which will help your development efforts.

You can request libraries for as many domains as you have licensed. If there is a problem you will receive e-mail from our web server describing the problem. Please make sure that e-mail from "" is not caught in your corporate or personal spam filter. If you contact us for further help (GoSales at our "" domain), please include the e-mail that our web server sent to you.

When updating or upgrading to a new version of GoJS, you will need to get a new domain-specific "go.js" library again using the same procedure. (We too have to produce one for "" each time we update our web site.)

If you are an ISV and have an OEM license and intend to distribute your app to run on many customers' web sites, this domain-at-a-time customization of "go.js" is not practical. Contact us for additional instructions on requesting and using a custom "go.js" library that is associated with your domain but that works on any web site.

If you are building a Windows Store JavaScript app, there is no domain name. Instead you should use the application-specific "appId", a GUID. To obtain the proper ID your app must first be packaged with the windows app store, so that the package name is the one to be used in production. Once you have associated your app with the windows store, you can find this GUID in your package.appxmanifest file as the <Package> <Identity> Name attribute.

Internationalization and Localization

GoJS apps can display text in non-Latin languages. For example, see Japanese Family Tree.

GoJS does not manipulate currency values or date/time values or addresses, so there are no localization issues with those data types and values. GoJS does not contain any of its own icons (images) or cursors.

Nor does GoJS display any built-in text strings, so no translation is needed. There are error and warning messages that may be output to the console, but those messages are only meant for debugging by programmers, not for consumption by end users. Reading and writing of numeric values is only performed internally when reading and writing JSON or geometry path strings or CSS colors, which are all defined to use non-localized formats.

All user-visible text is completely under the control of the programmer. For localizability you may find it convenient to use conversion functions in Bindings. The TextEditingTool uses an HTML TextArea element to implement in-place text input and text editing, thereby utilising the browser's support for input method editors.