A genogram is an extended family tree diagram that displays information about each person or each relationship.
For a simpler family tree see the family tree sample.
The node data representing the people, processed by the setupDiagram
[ { key: 0, n: "Aaron", s: "M", m:-10, f:-11, ux: 1, a: ["C", "F", "K"] }, { key: 1, n: "Alice", s: "F", m:-12, f:-13, a: ["B", "H", "K"] }, { key: 2, n: "Bob", s: "M", m: 1, f: 0, ux: 3, a: ["C", "H", "L"] }, { key: 3, n: "Barbara", s: "F", a: ["C"] }, { key: 4, n: "Bill", s: "M", m: 1, f: 0, ux: 5, a: ["E", "H"] }, { key: 5, n: "Brooke", s: "F", a: ["B", "H", "L"] }, { key: 6, n: "Claire", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, a: ["C"] }, { key: 7, n: "Carol", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, a: ["C", "I"] }, { key: 8, n: "Chloe", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, vir: 9, a: ["E"] }, { key: 9, n: "Chris", s: "M", a: ["B", "H"] }, { key: 10, n: "Ellie", s: "F", m: 3, f: 2, a: ["E", "G"] }, { key: 11, n: "Dan", s: "M", m: 3, f: 2, a: ["B", "J"] }, { key: 12, n: "Elizabeth", s: "F", vir: 13, a: ["J"] }, { key: 13, n: "David", s: "M", m: 5, f: 4, a: ["B", "H"] }, { key: 14, n: "Emma", s: "F", m: 5, f: 4, a: ["E", "G"] }, { key: 15, n: "Evan", s: "M", m: 8, f: 9, a: ["F", "H"] }, { key: 16, n: "Ethan", s: "M", m: 8, f: 9, a: ["D", "K", "S"] }, { key: 17, n: "Eve", s: "F", vir: 16, a: ["B", "F", "L", "S"] }, { key: 18, n: "Emily", s: "F", m: 8, f: 9 }, { key: 19, n: "Fred", s: "M", m: 17, f: 16, a: ["B"] }, { key: 20, n: "Faith", s: "F", m: 17, f: 16, a: ["L"] }, { key: 21, n: "Felicia", s: "F", m: 12, f: 13, a: ["H"] }, { key: 22, n: "Frank", s: "M", m: 12, f: 13, a: ["B", "H"] }, // "Aaron"'s ancestors { key: -10, n: "Paternal Grandfather", s: "M", m: -33, f: -32, ux: -11, a: ["A"] }, { key: -11, n: "Paternal Grandmother", s: "F", a: ["E"] }, { key: -32, n: "Paternal Great", s: "M", ux: -33, a: ["F", "H"] }, { key: -33, n: "Paternal Great", s: "F" }, { key: -40, n: "Great Uncle", s: "M", m: -33, f: -32, a: ["F", "H"] }, { key: -41, n: "Great Aunt", s: "F", m: -33, f: -32, a: ["B", "I"] }, { key: -20, n: "Uncle", s: "M", m: -11, f: -10, a: ["A"] }, // "Alice"'s ancestors { key: -12, n: "Maternal Grandfather", s: "M", ux: -13, a: ["D", "L"] }, { key: -13, n: "Maternal Grandmother", s: "F", m: -31, f: -30, a: ["H"] }, { key: -21, n: "Aunt", s: "F", m: -13, f: -12, a: ["C", "I"] }, { key: -22, n: "uncle", s: "M", ux: -21 }, { key: -23, n: "cousin", s: "M", m: -21, f: -22 }, { key: -30, n: "Maternal Great", s: "M", ux: -31, a: ["D", "J"] }, { key: -31, n: "Maternal Great", s: "F", m: -50, f: -51, a: ["B", "H", "L"] }, { key: -42, n: "Great Uncle", s: "M", m: -30, f: -31, a: ["C", "J"] }, { key: -43, n: "Great Aunt", s: "F", m: -30, f: -31, a: ["E", "G"] }, { key: -50, n: "Maternal Great Great", s: "F", ux: -51, a: ["D", "I"] }, { key: -51, n: "Maternal Great Great", s: "M", a: ["B", "H"] } ]The properties are:
A custom LayeredDigraphLayout does the layout, assuming there is a central person whose mother and father each have their own ancestors. In this case we focus on "Bill", but any of the children of "Alice" and "Aaron" would work.