These samples augment the regular GoJS samples, but display more specific or purpose-built functionality, often as variations of one of the regular samples.
- Minimal, loading JSON from server
- Minimal, loading XML from server
- Minimal, using RequireJS
- Minimal, using AngularJS
- Hover Buttons, showing buttons in an Adornment upon hover over a node
- Scroll Modes showing infinite scrolling and positionComputation
- Visual Tree using nested Groups instead of Nodes and Links
- SVG Tiger
- Family Tree, Japanese
- Double Tree loading JSON from server
- Org Chart with extra links and collapse/expand
- Pipe Tree, a tree layout with rectangular nodes at alternating angles and no links
- Timeline
- Kitten Monitor but with constant size markers & tooltips when zooming out
- When zooming, change the spacing of the Nodes, not the Diagram.scale
- Just like SwimLanes, but with vertical lanes.
- Spreadsheet, nested Auto Panels surrounding Table Panels whose itemArrays are bound to Arrays of numbers
- Virtualized no Layout, an example of virtualization where the model holds 123,456 node data yet the diagram only creates a few nodes at a time
- Virtualized Tree, an example of virtualization where the model holds 123,456 node data yet the diagram only creates a few nodes at a time
- Virtualized TreeLayout, with TreeModel
- Virtualized ForceDirectedLayout, with GraphLinksModel
- Flow Builder, with recycle node and custom linking
- Flowgrammer, a flow-chart-like editor of a restricted syntax language.
- Network Configuration
- Shared States, nodes that simultaneously belong to multiple containers, without using Groups
- Selectable Fields, derived from Record Mapper, but supporting selection and deletion of fields
- Add & Remove Rows & Columns of a Table Panel
- Drag & Drop Fields from/to Record Nodes
- Drag Out Fields from Record Nodes to HTML element
- Data Flow, Vertically Oriented
- Selectable Ports
- Draggable Ports, using a Group for each node and a Node for each port, with a custom Group.layout
- Regrouping with nested groups scaled ever smaller
- Regrouping with tree view of grouping hierarchy
- Two Diagrams, showing drag-and-drop moves between Diagrams
- Curviness
- Path Links, demonstrates custom routing for Links running through other Nodes
- Tapered Links, demonstrates custom geometries for Links
- Multi Arrow, another custom Link geometry that draws arrowheads at the end of each segment
- Bar Charts, automatically creating bar geometries from item data
- Pie Charts, automatically creating pie slice geometries from item data
- Candlestick or Range Charts
- Sparkline Graphs
- Drag and Drop from HTML
- Drag and Drop from HTML using jQuery
- Macros via auto ungrouping
- Text Editing, demonstrates two manners of using custom HTML elements for in-place editing of a TextBlock
- LightBox style HTML Context Menu
- Magnifier, using an Overview as a magnifying lens
- Diagram inside a jQuery UI Tab
See also the GoJS Extensions.